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Please consider donating to us so that we can keep giving the underpriveledged children, the gift of quality education.

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The Preparation For Shipment

Tips Global Educational Resources(TGER) would like to thank our donors for making this shipment possible. Because of COVID-19, the purchase of supplies was challenging because of shipment delays. 

However, we were relentless and worked diligently with our vendors, who worked with us to ensure ongoing supplies of the school materials until we received all the goods. Once all the merchandise arrived, there was an enormous sense of relief and we immediately embarked on the shipping process.

 We had limited time packaging the goods and delivering the merchandise to the shipping dock. There was a sense of urgency to complete the shipping process, as we knew our students depended on us to receive their school supplies. 

We started the shipping process without delay once we received all the school supplies; the merchandise was on the ship before the shipping deadline. The vessel arrived as scheduled and the liaisons delivered the school supplies. Please review photos of the shipping process.

Tipsger Prepares item for shipment
Packages Received.

Tipsger Prepares item for shipment (Books, pencils e.t.c)
Ready for packaging.

Tipsger Prepares item for shipment (Bags)
Supplies in barrel.

Tipsger van about to move to go and deliver items

Items in a drum
Loaded to be shipped.

Tipsger item at the destination for delivery
Arrived at its destination for delivery.