
Your Support Is Essential For Us To Grow

Please consider donating to us so that we can keep giving the underpriveledged children, the gift of quality education.

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The Desire To Learn

Many students have the desire to learn but sometimes lack the needed school supplies for the classroom. For example, essential supplies such as bookbags, notebooks, writing pads, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, sharpeners are lacking for many students. 

Tips Global Educational Resources (TGER) was truly thankful to the generous patrons who intervened to support the funds for this project. In short, the donors intervened and TGER delivered as planned by presenting the above supplies to 337 students at the Carvery Revival School System in Montserrado County in Liberia, West Africa. 

The school officials worked diligently with TGER’s liaisons and volunteers to ensure the students received their donated supplies. Each student received a bookbag with the above supplies. The students seemed elated and exhibited their excitement by expressing their thanks to the donors and TGER. 

As we all know, “It takes a village to raise a child.” It is equally crucial to express and acknowledge that by looking at the pictures and videos of these great distribution exercises, we should consider ourselves a village thriving to affect school-aged children around the globe. 

We at TGER would like to express our deepest gratitude to our donors for making it possible for every student to take part in these activities.

Arrival of the school supplies at the school at location
Arrival of the school supplies at the school.    

Student Appreciating gift given by Tipsger
Preschool students with their bags of crayons, coloring papers, and glue.

Student Appreciating gift given by Tipsger
First grade students with their school supplies.

Student Appreciating gift given by Tipsger
Second grade students with school supplies.
Student Appreciating gift given by Tipsger
Most of the students with their school supplies.

Student Appreciating gift given by Tipsger
The older students with their school supplies.