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Cultural Day: The Official Gala Anniversary of the Calvary Revival Education School System

The official Gala Anniversary of the Calvary Revival Education School System was in Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia - West Africa. The program seemed grand and successful!

Observably, the School Administration did an excellent job in terms of adequately preparing the students for the occasion and making the day a success overall. While the staff noticed some challenges, the outstanding displays and performances from the participating students, particularly the African/Liberian Culture Groups, masked them all.

Overall, their excellent presentation of the African/Liberian culture, costume, and values seemed terrific and impressive; and it truly and overwhelmingly portrays the uniqueness and beauty of the African/Liberian society and tradition.  

Reporter for TGER in Liberia West Africa

Chief Liaison:  Mr. E. Mars.

Children Taking Picture after cultural day

Children Taking Picture after cultural day

Children Taking Picture after cultural day