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Tips Global Educational Resources (www.tipsger.org) LOGO

2022 Projects

TGER's goal is to at least renovate two kitchens at the St. Paul Elementary School (in a rural village) and Carvery Revival School System on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, and provide instructional materials(curriculum books,
note-books, pencils/pens, crayons, coloring books, etc.), desks and playground equipment.

Unfortunately, three to four students are forced to share one desk during instructions because of insufficient desks. Most of the desks are old and need replacement.

Playground equipment

Physical exercise is very important in the developmental process of a child. That is why we want to provide playground equipment for the children. Currently, the students do not have playground equipment. There are no balls, jump ropes, swings, etc.

Engaging students with playing tags, running, and hooping is vital to the students’ physical exercise. However, students need to feel a physical object that can align with the outdoor activities such as balls, jump ropes, and swings to help with the outdoor activities.

Children on the Assembly ground

Kitchen improvement

Food is essential to help maintain a thriving mind, body, and health. However, most students do not have access to breakfast in the morning before going to school.

As we all know, having a kitchen on each of the school’s premises will help in the preparation of breakfast and lunches that will be served. TGER’s aim is to ensure that both kitchens are properly staffed.